Residents of Okmulgee County interested in serving their community through conservation efforts will have the opportunity to run for a seat on the Okmulgee County Conservation District Board of Directors. The filing period for Position Number E3 will be open from May 1-14, allowing eligible candidates to submit their Notification and Declaration of Candidacy.
To qualify, candidates must be registered voters residing within the Okmulgee County Conservation District and must have entered into or be willing to enter into a Cooperator Agreement with the District’s Board of Directors. Filing forms can be obtained at the Okmulgee County Conservation District office, located at 719 E. 8th St., Suite B, Okmulgee, OK 74447, or accessed through the Oklahoma Conservation Commission website. All completed forms must be returned to the district office by the close of business on May 14.
The election is scheduled for Tuesday, June 3. The elected individual will help guide conservation efforts in the county, working to promote responsible land management, soil conservation, and water quality initiatives.
For more information, potential candidates can contact the Okmulgee County Conservation District. Bobby Joe Cossey, Board of Directors Representative, and Jennifer Bailey, attesting official, oversee the election process.
This election is an opportunity for community members to take an active role in conservation efforts that benefit Okmulgee County’s agricultural and environmental sustainability.