The Henryetta Lions Club convened for its weekly meeting on March 6 at The Shack 2.0, bringing together members and a special guest speaker to discuss community updates and workforce development opportunities.
The meeting began with a roll call of members and an update from the Sunshine Report, highlighting personal achievements within the Lions family. Lion Neesha shared the exciting news that her son was accepted into the University of Oklahoma’s Flight School, while Lion Starla announced that her son, Lion Terry, had been accepted into Oklahoma State University in Stillwater.
Following the standard agenda, the club approved the previ- ous meeting’s minutes, with Lion Nita making a motion to accept and Lion Bob seconding, leading to unanimous approval.
In new business, members discussed a potential Meadows of Hope Fundraiser in support of the Lions Oklahoma Service, which needs to be planned before December. Under old business, the club urged members to submit their dues as soon as possible to keep memberships active.
The upcoming Lions Easter Egg Hunt was also a topic of discussion. Scheduled for April 19, the event is in need of bike and monetary donations. While toys and eggs have already been purchased, the club is seeking additional support from the community to ensure a successful event for local children.
The club reminded members to RSVP for the upcoming Oklahoma Lions State Convention, which will include a ceremony for deceased Lions on Saturday at 2 p.m. During the ceremony, a memorial vest of Lion Ron McAfee will be presented by the Henryetta Lions Club for display at the Oklahoma City Lions Office.
The highlight of the meeting was guest speaker Tony York, representing Work Ready Oklahoma, a program dedicated to helping job seekers secure sustainable employment and career growth.
York explained that Work Ready Oklahoma provides training and one-on-one coaching to equip individuals with the skills needed to stand out to employers. The program partners with trusted businesses to match job seekers with meaningful opportunities that offer room for advancement.
“Joining Work Ready Oklahoma is about starting a new path – not just to a job but to a better future for you and your family,” York emphasized. “It’s about finding work that helps you thrive and build the life you want.”
More information on Work Ready Oklahoma can be found at
As the meeting concluded, Lion Mylena made a motion to dismiss, seconded by Lion Neesha.
The next Henryetta Lions Club meeting will be held again at The Shack 2.0, where Lion James Page will serve as Lion of the Day.
For those interested in joining or supporting the Henryetta Lions Club, more details can be obtained by reaching out to local members.