Several agreements were approved during Monday’s regular meeting of the Okmulgee County Board of Commissioners.
The board approved the Okmulgee County Emergency Management to use the Local and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF) for the purchase of a vehicle for the agency and also use funds from the grant to purchase accessories to outfit the SUV.
Also approved was the updates for the Opioid Grant Contracts for OCCJA. These will be paid quarterly instead of a lump sum.
Other items on the agenda approved included: • Officers’ Report – Election Board for February.
• Blanket Purchase Orders – District 3 to Burnett’s Hardware for $500, Cintas $700, T&K Repair 11,895.16; District 2 – Cintas $700, Autozone $250; Nuyaka Fire to RPI for $1,000, S&H Auto for $1,000.
• Employee Forms: County Fair Board – Requisitioning Officers are Rick Crenshaw and Caleb Crocker, Receiving Officer is Debbie Winn
• Allocations of Alcoholic Beverage and Motor Vehicle Tax.
• Reimbursement Claim for the District Attorney’s Office, and Election Board Secretary’s salary.
• Agreement between Okmulgee County (District 3) and Wyatt Moore.
• Approved Ad Valorem Reimbursement.
• Transfer of Appropriations for Health Department – $50,000 to M&O.
The board took no action on the preliminary plat for Bald Hill to allow time to make changes for the final plat.
Emergency Management Director Jeffrey Moore updated the board on several items.
Last week, he attended training on Monday and Tuesday in Durant, before participating in the Oklahoma Emergency Management Association (OEMA) 2025 Conference.
There were also four tornados reported in the county with minor damage to several homes. Two were reported near Henryetta and the other two near Morris.
“We also had a couple of requests from the sheriff ’s office,” Moore said. “One was for our LED light tower on a structure fire that had a fatality unfortunately. I coordinated with Kenneth Anderson with the City of Okmulgee, who actually has our LED light tower, and now he took it out there for us and brought it back. So thank him very much for that.”
OCEM also assisted the OCSO on a missing person search, who was located thanks to a county deputy and to the use of a drone provided by volunteer Aaron Swayze who also oversees the OCCJA Drone Program.
Under New Business, a bid for a truck for District 2 was opened, but action was tabled to allow Commissioner Steve Ward to look over the vehicle.