1 John 3:10 - Here is the clear difference between God’s children and the Devil’s children: those who do not do what is right or do not love others are not God’s children.
1 John 3:10 - Here is the clear difference between God’s children and the Devil’s children: those who do not do what is right or do not love others are not God’s children.
Have you ever begun something but had a gut feeling that maybe something was off? And, although you tried to quiet it, there was a little voice in your head that kept saying, don’t do it? And, being the pigheaded version of yourself, you just went ahead and did it? Right. Neither have I. As human beings, we will make mistakes in judgment, consequences will ensue, and then that snowball rolling downhill will gain momentum and all manner of crazy stuff will take place. There is very little God’s children ever do that removes us from His love. Never think you are past redemption, short of showing contempt for God (blaspheming the Holy Spirit). We do not have to be perfect, but only strive for that goal. It is when we shuffle off this mortal coil and meet with the Lord that we will finally achieve such excellence. But be on guard against what others around you are doing so that you do not get sucked into their vortex that leads to destruction. Today’s scripture paints a very clear picture for us of those who choose not to know the Lord. They put self before God and others. It is this belief that lies in direct opposition to what Jesus says very clearly in Matthew 22:36-40, that we are to love God completely and also to love our brothers and sisters as much as we love ourselves. The world has convinced itself to live “me first”, and while we live in this world we are not to be of this world. Yes, it can be extremely difficult at times to distance oneself from those we care about but it is just such space that can keep us whole. Watch out for the red flags so that when you get that Star Wars feeling, it’s time to get up and leave.