CF-2024-00146 10/04/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Williams, Brandon Alexander Stalking in Violation of Court Order CF-2024-00147 10/04/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Newton, Mark S. Domestic Abuse A&B w/a Dangerous Weapon CF-2024-00148 10/04/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Posey, Candace Armentha Child Abuse ---
CF-2024-00146 10/04/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Williams, Brandon Alexander Stalking in Violation of Court Order CF-2024-00147 10/04/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Newton, Mark S. Domestic Abuse A&B w/a Dangerous Weapon CF-2024-00148 10/04/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Posey, Candace Armentha Child Abuse ---
State of Oklahoma vs. Whitworth, Jamee Obstructing an Officer CM-2024-00283 10/08/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Wright, John Keith Breaking & Entering with Unlawful Intent CM-2024-00284 10/08/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Davenport, Darrell Dewond Malicious Injury to Property CM-2024-00285 10/09/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Porter, Quantel Devale Poss. of CDS CM-2024-00286 10/09/2024 State of Oklahoma vs. Hall, Jheri Iman DUI Alcohol ---