1:53 a.m. – Miscellaneous – 800 Block W. Gentry – RP advised of suspicious activity at a property no one had lived at for a while and the city had been mowing the lawn. RP requested an officer due to a light being on inside the house.
12:42 p.m. – Suspicious Person – Summitt Apartments – RP advised while taking their child to the splash pad, they noticed a male standing at a back door with binoculars looking at the kids at the splash pad.
9:58 p.m. – Suspicious Person – 10th/Ragan – RP advised of male on a bicycle hiding in the shadows at the storage units. RP requested an officer to make contact.
10:33 p.m. – 911 Other E.R. – 30 Block W Broadway – RP advised someone shot out two windows at their house.
9:59 p.m. – Welfare Check – 1400 Block W Division – RP requested an officer to check on their neighbor who had left all the doors and the trunk open on their vehicle as well as both doors to their house.
11:45 p.m. – Suspicious Person – 1200 Block W Trudgeon – RP advised of a man on the porch who had attempted to get in twice.