Andrea Smith of Henryetta 4-H is the winner of the inaugural Jerry Shoemake All Around Champion Award. The main goal of this award is to encourage participation in the County Free Fair in events like livestock competitions, photography, food preservation, wood science and more, and to encourage diversity of the exhibitor entries in the fair by embodying the true spirit 4-H and FFA. These organizations are about creating well-rounded individuals who can go out in the world and be successful and productive members of the community. An official presentation of the award will be held at the Nov. 6 Okmulgee County Fair Board meeting.
Andrea Smith of Henryetta 4-H is the winner of the inaugural Jerry Shoemake All Around Champion Award. The main goal of this award is to encourage participation in the County Free Fair in events like livestock competitions, photography, food preservation, wood science and more, and to encourage diversity of the exhibitor entries in the fair by embodying the true spirit 4-H and FFA. These organizations are about creating well-rounded individuals who can go out in the world and be successful and productive members of the community. An official presentation of the award will be held at the Nov. 6 Okmulgee County Fair Board meeting.