Henryetta Cruise Knight is on for Saturday, with lots of great cars, music and fun for the whole family.
Downtown event is Saturday; Education Foundation to Announce Winners of Fundraiser
Henryetta Cruise Knight is on for Saturday, with lots of great cars, music and fun for the whole family.
The event begins at 6 p.m. and ending at 10 p.m.
Downtown Henryetta will come alive when muscle cars, hotrods and more line up on Main Street and take turns cruising up and down the strip at this celebration of mid-century American car culture.
Several businesses will be staying open, including Mel's County Market, Vintage Sun, Blue Bird Antiques, and the Shack 2.0.
There will be snacks for sale, and two foods are planning to serve. Those are Boss n Hogs BBQ and Taco Sonora.
Vendors will be lined up with a variety of items on display.
The American Guardians will be giving away hot dogs, the RC Club will be flying planes, and bounches houses for the kids to play.
The Henryetta Education Foundation annual fundraiser is currently underway. Tickets are still being sold for a chance to win not only a Kubota Z231 42 inch Zero-turn Mower, but a Echo Weedeater, Echo Leaf Blower or a $100 Gas Card.
One ticket is $20 which gives the purchaser four chances to win.
The drawing will be held Saturday, during Cruise Knight. You need not be present to win.
Sponsors for the giveaway include Stewart Martin Kubota, American Exchange Bank, First National Bank & Trust, First Family Federal Credit Union, Burnett Hardware, theHenryettan.com Tickets can be purchased at the following locations:
•First National Bank
•Burnett’s Furniture
•Reggie Palmer
•Edward Jones All HEF board members will also have tickets available.