Newly-elected Henryetta Public Schools board member Ginny Holder was sworn in to kick off Monday’s regular meeting. Holder, a former Henryetta school teacher, was given the Oath of Office by vice president Misty Morris.
Members accept resignation of longtime member James Williams
Newly-elected Henryetta Public Schools board member Ginny Holder was sworn in to kick off Monday’s regular meeting. Holder, a former Henryetta school teacher, was given the Oath of Office by vice president Misty Morris.
Before she was sworn in, Superintendent Dewayne Noble read a letter of resignation from long-time board member and current president James Williams. He announced his resignation from the board effective April 10, stepping down due to health issues.
“It has been my extreme pleasure to serve with each one of the members of the school board,” he wrote in his letter. “As a graduate of the class of 1976, it has been such an honor to serve the students and staff of Henryetta School district. I believe the Henryetta School district will continue to grow and prosper. I will still attend ball games and the theater plays. Thank you for all you do for the students and the community of Henryetta.”
The board accepted the letter, declaring a vacancy, and will be looking for a replacement soon to fill the post.
Misty Morris will now serve as board president; Pam Bealko as vice president; and David Molet, clerk.
Agenda items for consideration approved were:
• Reorganization of Board Officers.
• Committee for Naming of Henryetta Public Schools Facility Sites/Locations. Members will announced once all are selected.
• Fundraiser request for the 2022-2023 school year.
• Transfer of funds from the Athletic Account in the amount of $10,541.34 to subaccounts: Softball, $1,541.34; Track, $3,000; Boys, $1,250; Girls Golf, $1,250; and Baseball, $3,500.
• Named Pam Bealko as acting president, and Ginny Holder as acting clerk, for the school district to execute any and all documents pertaining to setting the maturities, date, time and place of the bond sale, if the president and clerk aren’t able to attend.
• Resolution determining the maturities of, and setting a date, time and place for the sales of $1,060,000 General Obligation Purpose Bonds of the school district, and designating bond counsel for the issuance of bonds. The sale will be May 16, at 12 noon, at the board meeting room, with Stephen L. Smith Corp. as the counsel for the issuance of bonds.
• Contract with LocalTech for Technology & Maintenance and Consulting Services for the 202324 school year.
• Contract with Interquest Detection Canines for the 2023-24 school year.
• Renewal Agreement with Municipal Accounting Systems, Inc. for Student Information for the 202324 school year.
• Renewal Agreement with Municipal Accounting Systems, Inc. for Accounting Software for the 202324 school year.
• Renewal Agreement with OKTLE, SEES, and McREL for the 2023-24 school year.
• Renewal Contract with Barlow Education Services for ARP ESSR III Application for the 2023-24 school year.
• Renewal Contract with Barlow Education Services for Federal Programs for the 2023-24 school year.
• Renewal Contract with Barlow Education Services for Leadership Team Development and Support for the 2023-24 school year.
• Contract with Wonderfully Made Therapy Group, LLC, for the 2023-24 school year.
•Renewal and Amendment of Agreement with Clearwater Enterprises for the 2023-24 school year.
• Resignation letter from Graylen Fletcher as of May 12, 2023.
• Justin Been as Part-Time Transportation Director for the 2023-24 school year.
• Special Education Teacher for the 2023-24 school year.
• Principals report – Preparing for state testing and busy with spring sports, high school doing testing and finishing testing this week. Prom and Graduation are coming up.
• Superintendent’s Report - Activities winding down, getting everything ready for this year’s finish and start getting ready for the next year. Awards Assembly for middle school is May 6.
Board comments: All the board members welcomed the new board member Ginny Holder and stated how much they will enjoy working with her and appreciate all her hard work and dedication.