Folk’s, today as I write this, snow is in the forecast, and however, that doesn’t stop me from day dreaming. I tell myself to think spring. I am so ready for old man winter to blow on out of here! Besides, he came about a month early, anyway. We have endured him long enough.
Folk’s, today as I write this, snow is in the forecast, and however, that doesn’t stop me from day dreaming. I tell myself to think spring. I am so ready for old man winter to blow on out of here! Besides, he came about a month early, anyway. We have endured him long enough.
Just yesterday, I saw one lonely little purple pansy blossom that has survived. So I said to myself, “If that wee little pansy can survive through a harsh winter, so can I.” I’ll admit its color looked a bit faded. Ok, so it was a bit tattered and worn, but never the less it had survived.
When I am daydreaming about spring, I take a peek out on the patio. Yes, there are the containers. Some of them are yet containing the dead flowers I did not deal with last fall. As I study each container, I think about what I would like to plant in each one come next spring.
Now, you already know my husband was a poet. Well, so is our daughter. She wrote this little diddie a day or so ago. Hibernation … Though not in an extended sleep … A recess none the less … There is an occasional need to stretch … Rolling over just to check … I peek with only one eye … But, also, it is not spring yet.
I ask, I answer myself. “Of course, hang on! In a short while March will fling the gate open and march right in. She will bring along warmer winds and gentle rains. Seed packets will appear again at the garden center. Even my neighbors here at the retirement village will smile, even more. We will step more lively. We will be humming the song, we made it after all!” Grab the old broom and give the patio a good cleaning. Finally, get all those containers free of dead stuff.
Why not order a pot of primroses to set there on the window ledge, along with the recently planted amaryllis bulb? And, read again that quote of Hans Christian Anderson. There it is right there, nearby on that table setting atop a stack of books. It is a small plate in the shape of a teapot and reads “Just living is not enough, said the butterfly. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”
So until I can garden outside, I will have a wee garden right there on the window ledge and keep on dreaming about spring. So let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
What did the snowman sing to the snowwoman? I only have ice for you…