for fiction with her third novel, The Color Purple (1982), later made into a popular film, Alice Walker was born on February 9, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia.
for fiction with her third novel, The Color Purple (1982), later made into a popular film, Alice Walker was born on February 9, 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia.
Alice was the youngest of eight children whose parents were sharecroppers and her mom a seamstress on the side to earn extra money for the family.
Alice lost sight in her right eye at the young age of eight when one of her brothers shot a BB gun and it hit her. She began reading and writing after this accident.
She graduated Butler Baker High School as Valedictorian and enrolled in Spelman College in 1961. She graduated in 1965 from Sarah Lawrence College.
Alice met Jewish New York Attorney, Melvyn Leventhal in Mississippi while both were working in the civil rights movement. They were the first legally married interracial couple in the State. They were married in 1967 and had one daughter, Rebecca. They divorced in 1976 and Alice moved to northern California where she lives today.
Her first novel, The Third Life of Grange Copeland, was published in 1970. Alice Walker was awarded the Mahmaud Darwish Literary Prize for fiction 2016. Alice is a vegetarian, gardener and world traveler living in Mendocino, Calif.
We have three of her Fiction books: Meridian, The Temple of My Familiar and The Color Purple.