Jim McClain of Oklahoma City has been hired as City Manager of Henryetta by the city council during their meeting Friday evening. The vote was unanimous.
Jim McClain of Oklahoma City has been hired as City Manager of Henryetta by the city council during their meeting Friday evening. The vote was unanimous.
McClain, 52, is a former city manager of Sulphur and Glenpool. His salary was set at $52,000 with other normal city benefits. All details of the hiring had not been finalized as of presstime.
50Years Ago:
Flu Epidemic Hits Here
The flu has gotten so bad in Henryetta, in fact, the Henryetta Hospital is “discouraging visitors until it slacks off,” according to Administrator Mrs. O.J. McKay.
Local health authorities don’t know yet whether our strain of flu is the London flu, which has taken more than a thousand lives so far in Great Britain, and scores in the United States ---
75 Years Ago:
Henryetta Must Build New Disposal Plant to Meet Growing Demands Renewal of Electric Company Contract Is Being Considered - Changes In Some Street Paving - Busy Session of the City Council The mayor said the people of Dewar were making complaints of a serious nature and even legal proceedings were threatened. It was found the present plant must be enlarged and it was also decided to remove a dam in the creek which it is believed will improve the situation some, until the new plant can be established.
100 Years Ago:
Kidnaps Her Own Child at Schoolhouse Mrs. Emma Shelton of Tulsa, is reported to have kidnapped her own child here yesterday and left the city with it in a big Cadillac car.
As the police got the story, the custody of the child had been awarded by a court, to its father, Lloyd Shelton and it was here with him at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom McMahan and was attending school.
Yesterday afternoon, it is alleged, Mrs. Shelton went to the Webster school, where the child was in attendance and asked the teacher if she could take it for a walk. Permission being given, she took the child, it is alleged, left the school building and never returned.
One More Big Well for the Barclay “80” Henryetta parties are again in the “big stuff.” The Carter Oil Company brought in its fourth big producer on the W ½ NE 25-11-11, known as the Barclay Morgan eighty, last night and it was reported today that after having been drilled deeper into the sand it was making 200 barrels per hour, or about 2,500 per day.