Columns & Opinion
February 7, 2023
25 Years Ago:
The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is naturally concerned about the environment of Oklahoma.
The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality is naturally concerned about the environment of Oklahoma.
DEQ has started a program in schools to save recyclable materials. Henryetta High School National Honor Society has taken on the responsibility of this project locally. The students were asked why they wanted to take on this project and responded, “It’s the right thing to do.” Marvin Boatright, of Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, said the students wanted to get Henryetta High School started in the right direction.
Burglary Charge Hits County Man
A 24 year old rural Okmulgee County man is free on $1,500 bond today after being charged with second degree burglary. Investigation by the county sheriff ’s department and Henryetta police. He made no plea. Sheriff Henry Liles said about $500 worth of allegedly stolen property was found. The recovered property includes a television set, record player, two clock radios, a fan, a chain saw, a flashlight, a fishing tackle box and three rods and reels. “Some of the stuff has not been identified yet,” Liles said.75 Years Ago:
Mayor Proclaims Prayer Day Here Friday
Mayor Lumpkin Saturday issued a proclamation setting aside next Friday as “World Day of Prayer in Henryetta” in conjunction with this event. The mayor continued that “upon the citizens of this day. Therefore let us call upon Him to give us the light to guide us, the courage to support us, and the love to reunite us.” The movement is sponsored annually by the United Council of Church Women. 100 Years Ago: Puts Many Out of Business If Law’s Enforced The mayor and every member of the city council showed their patriotism and devotion to official duty in turning out last night for the regular monthly meeting of the council, although one of the worst snow storms ever known in the city was raging. A SEE LOOKING BACK IN HISTORY, PAGE A6 50 Years Ago: large amount of routine business was disposed of and the big feature of the meeting was the action on a petition from the Retail Merchants association, asking for a revision of the ordinance fixing occupation taxes. William Seymour, secretary of association, presented the petition and after much discussion the ordinance was amended in full keeping with the petition presented. The changes are: Auction merchant $10 per year, raised to $100 per year. Auction on the street, $50 per year, raised to $100 per day. Dealer in bankrupt goods, $50 per year, raised to $100 per year. Dealer in damaged goods, $50 per year raised to $100 per year. Huckster, $25 per year, raised to $25 per day. Peddlers on foot, $5 per day, raised to $15 per day. Peddlers using push cart, $5 per day, raised to $25 per day. Peddlers using wagon, $5 per day, raised to $25 per day. Street vendors, $15 per year, raised to $25 per day. Appraisers were appointed in the improvement district covering Seventh Street. The appraisers are Les. Martin, R. B. Campbell and T. V. Dollins. All claims and accounts properly o.k.’d were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the proper funds for their payment. The reports of all the city officers were presented, and ordered received and filed. The report of the mayor, as police court for the month of January amounting to $800.50. The meeting adjourned subject to the call of the mayor.