Lion Pride has two meanings as far as the Henryetta Lions Club is concerned.
Lion Pride has two meanings as far as the Henryetta Lions Club is concerned.
The first is a Pride of Lions, that signifies a family or group identity, an assembly or likeness.
The second is a statement spoken by one of the Henryetta Lions Club members, to show Lion Pride in the community.
Those meanings were discussed during their Jan. 27 weekly meeting.
Special speaker for the day was senior member of the group, Donnie Smith, who owns OK Insure in Henryetta.
Smith’s father was a longtime member of the club and his grandfather was a founding member.
Together, the Smith family has brought 100 years of service and tradition to the Henryetta Lions Club.
Smith discussed the importance of insuring against loss.
He opened the meeting with a frequently-asked question, “Why is the cost of my premium increasing, even though I’ve not filed any claims?”
Reasons include the rising cost of medical services, auto repair services, building materials, etc., Smith said.
Another factor is the current supply and demand dynamics in which some supplies are very scarce.
A fellow Lions Club member asked Smith, “Does the owner of a redcolor car pay higher premiums?”
“No, but you might have more speeding tickets!” Smith responded.
He urged everyone to take a photographic inventory of household possessions in the untimely event of a loss.
Once a claim comes into his office, Smith and other staff assess the value and provide the customer with a comparable worth.
“Well, in that case, I’d like to cancel the policy on my husband,” one Lions Club member jokingly responded.
Henryetta Lions Club meets at 12 p.m. weekly on Thursdays. Throughout the month of February, meetings will be held at The Shack 2.0.