Oh my! Things changed so much in the last couple weeks or so. The state made the announcement last week schools were to shut down for the rest of the year and move to distanced learning to finish the year. The schools are doing what they can to alleviate the kids from going hungry by running bus routes to deliver breakfast and lunch and setting up locations where the food can be picked up. This is a great program, but it’s not reaching everyone. Reach out to anyone you know so the kids that truly need it can get the food they need. If they don’t get the food from the school and the parents can’t afford it, these kids learning will be severely impacted. I want to do my part to help by sharing some easy meals that don’t cost much and will keep the kids fed and eating well because they are things they love. Hot dogs, peanut butter and jelly, etc. there are several things that are cheap that can feed kids cheaply, but they don’t have to be boring! The recipes below are great for feeding the kids. Feel free to switch up a meat for something you have left over from a meal. Use BBQ sauce instead of pizza sauce if your kids will eat it. Use sausage pieces instead of hot dogs if that’s what you have on hand. These are completely customizable to what your kids like and what you have on hand! Make your grocery list and do grocery pickup from Walmart this weekend. Then meet me in the kitchen and have fun with some old favorites!
April 3, 2020
Feeding Kids on a Budget